HOME > Message from PIC president 2023
Now in April 2023, the unprecedented worldwide pandemic which we have been oppressed by these three years is going to end in the long run. While concerns are mounting, there are still many unanswered questions about the overall impact of the Corona virus. Furthermore, there is no telling when the all-out war between Ukraine and Russia will end. We need to accept that the world is not what we knew it was. Unfortunately, in the pandemic,the number of students whose records do not improve had been increasing due to long-term insufficient remote learning that is missing interactions between students and teachers. Frankly speaking, no one can deny the fact that some students have weaker scholastic ability than the former generation. On a broader basis, the world has been marked with much instability like the cold war era. I am regretful to say that it will still a little more time to resolve these problems.
Moreover, there are a number of issues in modern-day Japan. In the realm of science, our academic research is losing internationally advantage. UNESCO data in 2020 show that the percentage of entering school of high grade is 44th in the world. Economically, Japan has significantly higher levels of public debt than any other developed nation and lowest labor productivity in the G7. Due to our low wages and depreciation of the yen, some Japanese firms have begun to consider shifting their production sites from overseas back to Japan, though I am not sure if this shift which is partially based upon deterioration of our condition is a delightful development or not. At the same time, we face considerable challenges posed by an aging and declining population. Therefore, we must earnestly and determinedly seek solutions to the complex issues being faced by our society, and consistently share our progress.
However, it is because of such an age and such a society that each school including PIC must do its best to cultivate Keio students’ capabilities to respond appropriately to various issues confronting our society, while providing them with fundamental knowledge in the respective disciplines through its education. True to our philosophy, we will strive to meet the expectations of Keio students by continuing to offer our learning environments in order to simultaneously generate societal and educational value. PIC will continue to make the utmost efforts to contribute to our society through the creation of new intellectual students. We honor its commitment to offering a distinctive education in which you are cultivating deep disciplinary knowledge and improving the academic ability not only for your personal accomplishment, but also for our bright future. Debate about the purposes of education never
seems to end. Nevertheless, the important thing for us to remember is that the chief aim of school education is to bring up students who are responsible for the future society. We must always secure the highest standards of education for all young people, regardless of their background, because it is an essential personal preparation for adult life and furthermore the foundation of our social progress. We sincerely hope that you study with us, which will provide various intellectual insights and prepare you for your future. Then, it will make your school life more fruitful. Our society is always going to somewhere between a utopia where we enjoy peace and prosperity, and a dystopia where we suffer from unceasing wars, tyranny through propaganda and information control, the complete loss of freedom, widening economic inequality, rapid global warming and environment pollution. The choice is yours. Let’s move forward together.
April,2023 PIC president Hiroshi SATO