HOME > Message from PIC president 2019
First of all, I would like to convey sincere thanks to all of you as PIC president, when we wrap up 2018 and shift our momentum into 2019. As you reflect on the past year, I firmly believe that most of you have good reasons to have pride in your performances and look forward with the same enthusiasm as last year, and that even a few students who are slightly disappointed with past results or school records renew your determination to make your success. So far, we have seen many instances of your outstanding accomplishment at school. We feel honored to support you through our education and to gain more trust as a special and unique preparatory school only for Keio students. Furthermore, we would like to continue to be more proud as professional teachers and instructors group.
As I have stated many times before, our purpose is not only to improve scores of test and school records, but to enhance your academic ability or scholastic ability, which is based on your positive attitude and challenge spirit to solve various problems. This is especially valuable for young students both now and in the future. Even though our future society may not be always bright, we realize that there are more than enough to justify enormous optimism while challenging young students move forward. In addition, we have faith that each of your actions and work will shape better and more hopeful tomorrow.
Based on our philosophy, PIC always seeks to develop young students into caring and trustworthy individuals, that is to say, intellectuals “with cool head but warm heart”. Honestly speaking, our educational goal may be too far for us to easily reach. However, this year, we also will conduct Keio-student-specialized education at various levels ranging from the elementary school pupils to university students toward this goal. Since its foundation, our unchanging hope is to foster students who have a broad mind and a broad perspective. Therefore, PIC is committed to providing both what you need and what we sincerely believe you to require as educators. As closing words, I present you with the next famous message:
Make your own flower bloom,
By your own way. Takehara Pistol
January, 2019 PIC president and chief instructor