HOME > Message from PIC president 2018
Since it was founded at Gakugei-daigaku in1995, PIC has enabled aspiring Keio students to turn their dreams into reality.
Nowadays we offer a wide range of lessons to many elementary school pupils, high school students and university students,
and support them. That is because we sincerely believe that each of you can become part of a great tradition of intelligence
by graduating with PIC in the near future.
Our educational philosophy of achieving excellence through cooperative learning and tutoring by professionals remains the same,
even as we grow to meet the needs of a few hundreds of Keio students each year.
At the same time, we recognize that you need a superior education in order not only to succeed in today’s competitive
Japanese society, but also to be an intellectual person of great resolution.
Therefore, PIC has provided and will provide you with more sophisticated knowledge and better learning environment than
any other preparatory school or cram school. This is the very reason for many students to choose our school and to study with us.
We invite you to share our intellectual curiosity and our positive attitude toward the pursuit of scientific truth,
and look forward to welcoming young students on a journey of challenge that will last over the next few decades.
Future is your frontier. Do not hesitate, and boldly go where no one has gone before!
January, 2018 PIC president